MSU Denver has a simple and secure method for submitting financial aid documents and forms

LiquidFiles is a secure file transfer system for point-to-point email communication. Files submitted will be shared securely with the MSU Denver Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. LiquidFiles is fast, secure and easy to use.

Using LiquidFiles

  1. Complete and save your required forms, available by aid year in fillable format below, and any necessary documentation.
  2. Visit LiquidFiles to access the login and continue.
  3. Press the “SSO Login” without entering anything in the text box. This should prompt you to log into your MSU Denver account. If this option does not work, please enter another valid email into the entry bar and submit. This will send you a validation email that will enable you to submit your documentation.
  4. Include your MSU Student ID# on all documents and pages whether requested on forms or not.

The secure LiquidFiles process is the recommended and safest way to submit forms and documents to our office.

Access Your Saved Forms

Pick up where you left off. Access the forms that you saved but weren't able to submit yet. You can also access pending forms and previously submitted forms if needed.

My Saved/Pending Forms
Aerial Photo of Jordan Student Success Building, MSU Denver, Auraria Campus

Student Forms