Request Information
Ready to find out what MSU Denver can do for you? We’ve got you covered.
LiquidFiles is a secure file transfer system for point-to-point email communication. Files submitted will be shared securely with the MSU Denver Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. LiquidFiles is fast, secure and easy to use.
Using LiquidFiles
The secure LiquidFiles process is the recommended and safest way to submit forms and documents to our office.
Pick up where you left off. Access the forms that you saved but weren't able to submit yet. You can also access pending forms and previously submitted forms if needed.
My Saved/Pending FormsAerospace Budget Adjustment (AERO)
Borrower Acknowledgment Form (DSBLTY)
Cancel All Aid, Transferring to Another School (TRNFR)
Children of Fallen Heroes (ISGFH)
Citizenship Eligibility Confirmation (CITIZN)
Dependent Family Size Verification (HHD)
Displaced Aurarian Application (DAAPP)
Dependent Student Verification (DVER)
Financial Aid Release of Information (RELS)
Foreign Address Tax Filing (FORADD)
Foreign Income Exclusion – Parent (PARFOR)
Foreign Income Exclusion – Student (STUFOR)
Graduation Hold (GRADTE)
Independent Family Size Verification (HHI)
Independent Student Verification (IVER)
Indigenous and Native Peoples’ Grant App (INPG)
Non-Citizenship Eligibility Confirmation (NONCIT)
No Parental Info (Dependent Student) (NOPAR)
Legal Dependents (LDEP)
Legal Guardianship or Emancipated Minor (LGUARD/EMINOR)
Loan Re-Evaluation (LNEVL)
Orphan, Ward of Court, or Foster Youth (OPRH/WARD)
Overlapping Loan Clearance Letter (OVERLP)
Physician Certification Form (PHYCERT)
Statement of Educational Purpose (SEDPUR)
Statement of Educational Purpose (Notary) (SEDNOT)
TEACH Grant Interest Form (TEACH)
Unaccompanied Youth (UYOUTH)
Veteran or Active Duty Military (VETERN/MILTID)
Academic Plan for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal (APLAN)
Budget Increase for Computer Purchase (COMP)
Cost of Attendance Increase Request
Dependent Care Cost Request
Income Adjustment Appeal (INCOME)
Medical Re-Evaluation Appeal (MEDCAL)
Dependency Override Appeal (DEPFAM)
Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal (SAPAP)
Unusual Enrollment History Appeal (UEHAP)
Borrower Acknowledgment Form (DSBLTY)
Children of Fallen Heroes (ISGFH)
Citizenship Eligibility Confirmation (CITIZN)
Dependent Family Size Verification (HHD)
Dependent Student Verification (DVER)
Foreign Address Tax Filing (FORADD)
Foreign Income Exclusion – Parent (PARFOR)
Foreign Income Exclusion – Student (STUFOR)
Independent Family Size Verification (HHI)
Independent Student Verification (IVER)
Non-Citizenship Eligibility Confirmation (NONCIT)
No Parental Info (Dependent Student) (NOPAR)
Legal Guardianship or Emancipated Minor (LGUARD/EMINOR)
Orphan, Ward of Court, or Foster Youth (OPRH/WARD)
Physician Certification Form (PHYCERT)
Statement of Educational Purpose (SEDPUR)
Statement of Educational Purpose (Notary) (SEDNOT)
Unaccompanied Youth (UYOUTH)
Veteran or Active Duty Military (VETERN/MILTID)